Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where I got my computer, a farmers' market, and a video store of Ill repute.

This is the long delayed (because of slacking) post about my trip to go get a new computer. My second long delayed post about the Lantern Festival will be posted shortly later. By shortly I of course mean within the next couple of days.

Let me start by start by saying that the picture of the cute little yellow guy is in front of Guang Hua Digital Plaza, which is where I purchased my computer. The building is a mixed assortment of computer, audio, and video tech for the professional and for average shoppers. The important thing here is to shop around to find your best price. Most of it is cheaper than back in the states but some of it is not. Getting a good deal could lead you to multiple shops. I myself got a good deal by buying mostly new computer tech and having the shop I bought my components at build my computer. With this I got the guy to give me a discount on the majority of it, and got a free keyboard, mouse, and monitor out of it. The place has six floors if I remember correctly. The computer was still expensive, especially since I paid for a lot of new tech but was still about 500 to 700 USD's cheaper than buying it in the states. I would describe more about it but I don't feel that the components of my computer are very interesting, and I don't remember what most of them were called.

The farmers market, I think it was a farmers market since it had the symptoms of a farmers market all over, was a pleasant surprise to me. By the way if you ever see me spell surprise wrong and I don't catch it let me know. I usually don't pronounce the first r in it so I forget to put it in when I am spelling it. Anyway it had your traditional fruits and vegetables all over with a few ones I had never seen so big before (sweet potatoes a yard long and amazing carrots). The carrot was the best thing besides the cheezy magic show. Better than the crappy folk music playing at the one back home.

And lastly we come to my short comment on the dvd store. Well it was defiantly not a dvd store, as there were only normal dvds in the very front of the store. Also the store was down a dark alley with completely covered windows which should have given away as to the stores true nature. Once I saw what it was really selling I started busting up laughing very loudly and left. What I found out online however was that these kind of stores are technically illegal in Taiwan (I guess) which made it that much funnier.

I cannot find the rest of my pictures of this day so I don't have more pictures of the place and its surroundings. The picture of the blurry building is of the Taipei Tech College which has an awesome metal tree with vines growing throughout the whole thing, creating an awesome mix of nature and steel. I want one.


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