Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wufenpu Shopping and the MRT

So the MRT (Magnetic Rail Train?, Mass Rapid Transit? Metro Rail Train?) is a pretty cool way to travel. Of course, I have never ridden on a subway or an above ground city train so it was fascinating to me. I only road the Amtrak once when I was young so this was pretty much a new experience. It is really, really fast. Plus it gets crowded during the downtown segments in the subway. It took maybe 20-30 minutes to get to Housapani (probably not spelled right) Station and a 2 minute walk to the Wufenpu shopping district.

This place opens sometime after noon for the full shopping experiance. It is packed to the point where you could crawl faster than you could walk. There are many more shops with girl clothes than guy clothes, but there is likely over a hundred shops here. It is a maze, I am sure I didn't hit everything. There is also a lot of food places here, which is where I found a corndog (6 corndogs to be specific). I like corndogs. The clothes here are defiantly made with Taiwanese people in mind; they are skinny clothes. So if you plan on coming here and you are of the heavier persuasion like a certain blogger (me) then it will be difficult to find clothes in this district. But thankfully there is a gym and a pool here so maybe I can go back near the end and buy some skinnier clothes. I don't what else to say so I am going to end it here.

-Levi E

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