Thursday, February 10, 2011

I-House: What I know so far...

*Note that pictures will be added later due to slow internet speed at the moment*
**Also everybody (even non-followers) should be able to comment now**

Let it first be noted that I-House is a very nice place, brand new and much better than any dorm you've been in. Very clean, you have your own bathroom, and much larger than an ISU dorm. Plus you have a balcony and a window you can actually open. The bed is a long twin (I think) and your supplied with a mattress pad, a sheet, a blanket, a comforter, and a pillow with case. Next to your bed you have a night stand and your own desk area with shelves; it is a fairly large space. You have your own cabinet with a convenient space for a lock to protect your valuables. Other things you are supplied with are a bathroom start up kit (no large body towel), an electronics start up for the internet and stuff, and a fridge. On electronics, there is an electricity limit you can use a month and it cost to go over. Not much and I'll tell you if it goes over this month. I-House, and about everything in Taipei so far, use magnetic cards to get into doors or even ride the bus. Your room card and student ID are very important as you need them for everything. It took me a while to realize you had to put the card in the slot to even turn on the lights. The staff at the front desk are extremely helpful with everything so there isn't much to worry about.

At the moment that is all I have to say about I-House, I am sure there will be more once more people get here and we get into the swing of things. At the moment I am pretty much left to my own devices. Of course, classes don't start until next next week.


PS: People here (Jenny so far) use next next when talking about 2 weeks from now so suck it people who make fun of me for saying it. And I know that English is my first language so I should say it the way everybody else does, but screw that.

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