Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Confusion over what I have and haven't wrote about...

First off, that carrot was the biggest, most symmetrical, tasty, and perfect carrot I have ever seen. It was bigger than my hand and looked cartoonish. BEST, CARROT, EVER.

I have a lot of things I need to catch up about in blogging but I am very confused as to what I need to blog about. My pictures are in tons of different folders and now on two different computers. By the way my laptop is bugging out ridiculously so I guess I chose the right time to buy my new one. Oh well.

Things I plan to write about after the hecticness (its a word now) of the first week of school here which; by the way, is insane and I am struggling to stay in classes because of conflicts, them no longer being taught in English, and other; are the Lantern festival, school things, the electronics plaza, food, and again other.

But right now I am busy with finding classes so...goodbye.

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